Greatstone Dunes Community Interest Company

a not for profit organisation, working with the community and other organisations to maintain Greatstone Dunes in their constantly evolving natural state.


Greatstone Dunes are part of the Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay SSSI. This is a unique site.

The land also has European and international designations. The site is important in several regards including providing a home to rare flora and fauna, and coastal geomorphology (the development and evolution of the coast), particularly the formation and changes to the shingle spit and the development of sand dune.

The company has a mission to protect this scientifically important site. The sites SSSI status also means have legal obligations with regard to the area of the dunes that we own.

About Us

We are a not for profit company managed by a small team of volunteer Directors who are elected at our annual general meeting.


work with the community, other land owners and like minded organisations to conserve and maintain the dunes in their natural state and protect them from further development

science and education

encourage scientific research and education

responsible use

encourage responsible use of the dunes for exercise and recreation

Where is Greatstone?

Greatstone Dunes are located on Romney Marsh on the coast of Kent, South East of England
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